Spiritual Guidance

Spiritual Guidance

Life in the Spirit is what St. Teresa names in You are Christ’s Hands. We are called to stillness and listening to meet God, and we are also called to be the feet, hands, eyes, ears, face of the Holy One. Experiencing this delicate balance between nourishing the...
Loving Kindness Meditation

Loving Kindness Meditation

Breathe gently, and recite inwardly the following traditional phrases directed to your own well-being. You begin with yourself because without loving yourself it is almost impossible to love others. May I be filled with lovingkindness. May I be safe from inner and...
Washing Hands Ritual

Washing Hands Ritual

Washing our hands has taken on new meaning because of the pandemic. What once was a quick, mindless cleansing has become an act of private and public safety. Yet, water has always had significant meaning for humankind. It is life-giving. It symbolizes power, grace,...
Called to live life in the Spirit

Called to live life in the Spirit

Life in the Spirit is what St. Teresa names in You are Christ’s Hands. We are called to stillness and listening to meet God, and we are also called to be the feet, hands, eyes, ears, face of the Holy One. Experiencing this delicate balance between nourishing the...