Called to live life in the Spirit

Called to live life in the Spirit

Life in the Spirit is what St. Teresa names in You are Christ’s Hands. We are called to stillness and listening to meet God, and we are also called to be the feet, hands, eyes, ears, face of the Holy One. Experiencing this delicate balance between nourishing the...
For inner peace and calm

For inner peace and calm

Holy Spirit, please encircle me,Come hold me safe and secure.Wrap my mind up with your truthGuide my thoughts and calm my fears.Steady my emotions,Lord that you would guide my feelings,May I not be overcome by upset.Sustain my soul, With vision for the...


Authentic hope is not optimism. There is an invitation to surrender our expectations and trust God. Eric Fromm said,  To hope means  to be ready    at every moment  for that which is not yet born  and yet  not become desperate ...